A Unique Microcarrier Platform to Accelerate Your Cell Assaying Workflows

What We Do

Move cells while retaining their adherent morphology

Our SemaCyte® cell assaying microcarriers function as ultra-miniaturized, mobile, barcoded wells which carry small colonies of adherent cells. They can be moved with liquid handling tools, are magnetically steerable, and can be frozen as assay-ready cells.

Integrate seamlessly with existing assaying workflows

SemaCyte® microcarriers revolutionise how adherent cells are handled, assayed, and stored. They boost throughput, flexibility, and resource efficience of microplate-based workflows, e.g. for high content imaging or high-throughput screening.

The SemaCyte® Microcarrier Platform

Move and freeze adherent cells

Flexibility, speed, and miniaturisation for cell assays

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The SemaCyte® Multiplexing Platform

Optically barcode and pool adherent cells

Reduce the time and cost for cell panel screens

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The SemaCyte® Starter Kit

Cells are simply seeded onto arrays of immobilized carriers on cell culture plasticware.

After collection, these carriers can be cryopreserved or pooled and dispensed into microplates, streamlining assay workflows.

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Use Cases

Enhance your assay of choice.

Compatible with cell lines and complex cell types, transfection, plate reader endpoint, and live or fixed cell imaging.

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Who We Are

Leveraging microfabrication technology to build smart microcarrier materials for enhanced cell based assays

We are on a mission is to accelerate the pace of in vitro drug discovery by innovating adherent cell assays to produce better data, faster.

We envision a future where technology-enhanced cell workflows reduce the resource demands of drug discovery, while liberating biologists to focus on scientific exploration.

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